A walk around the Monopoly board provides a fascinating glimpse of London and how it has evolved. Jack the Ripper and Whitechapel, the Bow Street Runners, the Inns of Court on the Strand and the lost mansions of Park Lane. The Monopoly board provides a wonderful tapestry of London through the ages.

From Poor Beginnings. We will begin our journey along of the Monopoly Board in the Old Kent Road and venture along the bottom of the board to Pentonville Road.
Gentlemen and Law. We continue our Monopoly board journey in Pall Mall and walk along the West side of the board to Vine Street. This is the purple and orange properties of gentlemen's clubs and law enforcement. Some of the most well knows streets of London and some of the smallest and almost unknown. A fascinating compendium of the higher echelons of society.
Theatre and Entertainment. Starting in the Strand we will venture along the North side of the board to Piccadilly. This is the red and yellow properties of bright lights, restaurants, theatres and nightclubs. A fascinating insight into to creation of some of the most visited streets of London.
Shopping and Wealth. We will conclude our Monopoly Board adventure with a walk from Regent Street along the East side of the board to Mayfair. This is the green and dark blue properties of high end shopping, embassies and above all, wealth. Some of the most expensive streets of London which have retained their status for centuries. A fascinating digest of prestige and fashion through the ages.
Walks can be enjoyed individually or at a discounted price for the series.
Tickets and Times. A list of our current virtual walks can be found on our Virtual Walks Diary. If a walk is not currently scheduled, please follow us on Eventbrite to be notified when it is next running or contact us if you would like to arrange a private Virtual Walk.